Working with Directories

First you have to create a directory.

3        Click the View tab and select Directory from the Panels section.

4        Click the link Click here to create a Directory to display the Directory Settings dialog box.

Click to enlarge

Note: For this tutorial you are going to use the default Directory formatting.

5        Type Contact Info into the Directory name field.

6        By default OrgPlus includes all fields when you create a new directory. In this exercise you are going to create a directory that does not include salary and worker category information. Select Salary and click Remove. Then select Worker Category and click Remove.

7        Click OK.

Displaying Directories

You can use a directory to display chart information in a tabular format.

8        Click the Select tool image009.jpg. (If you do not see the Toolbar, click the Show command in the Toolbar section on the Format tab.)

9        Select the box containing Lynn Brewer.

 The Directory panel displays a directory containing Lynn Brewer and all of her subordinates. Click other boxes in the chart to dynamically update the directory.

Click to enlarge

Editing Chart Contents using the Directory

You can edit chart data using the directory.

10   Select the box containing Chris Phillips. Notice that the corresponding directory entry is also selected.


11   Now locate the row in the directory containing Tom Wilson. Double-click the cell containing Tom Wilson, delete her name, and type Sue Watkins. Notice that the corresponding box in the chart is also changed.  

Click to enlarge


Click to enlarge