Performing Calculations

Within a formula, you can perform a calculation. Below are some sample calculations:

Field + Field: Total Compensation = Salary + Bonus

Click to enlarge

 Field * Value: Next Year Salary = Current Salary * 1.0

Click to enlarge

 Constant - Field: Year To Retirement = Retirement Age – Current Age

Click to enlarge

Note: See Using Constants for more information on Constants.

You can also perform date calculations using the TODAY constant and/or the Year, Month, and Day functions.

Below are some sample date calculations:

Years_with_company: TODAY – OP_HIRE_DATE

Click to enlarge

Months_since_last_review: TODAY – Review_Date

Click to enlarge

To define a calculation within a formula:

1        In the Formula tab of the Formula Properties dialog box, define the first argument type. The following types are available:

·         Field

·         Text

·         Number

·         Date

·         Date (Years)

·         Date (Months)

·         Date (Days)

·         Constant

2        Select or type an argument value.

3        Select a range. See Available Formulas.

4        Select an operator (/, *, +, -).

5        Define the type for the second argument.

6        Select or type a value for the second argument.

Optionally, you can also define a third argument using the same procedure as noted in the steps above.

7        Click OK.

Note: If you want to hide formula results that are a zero value, you can select the Hide zero values option in the Options tab of the Formula Properties dialog box for formula fields. The field will not appear in the box if the returned value is zero. The Hide zero values option is particularly useful for hiding headcount calculations for employees that do not have subordinates. This setting is saved when you save the chart as a template