OrgPlus Panels

OrgPlus includes a number of panels to help you navigate, search and analyze your organizational charts.

You can access all panels by clicking the View tab. Panels are listed in the Panels section.

·         The Welcome panel is open when you launch OrgPlus. It includes links to recently open charts, access to sample charts and sample data, and other useful resources.

·         The Templates panel displays all available design, view, box and branch templates. You can apply templates by dragging them from the panel onto your project.

·         The Directory panel provides a tabular list of information based on the underlying chart data.

·         The Reports panel enables you to create and view both static and dynamic reports based on your underlying chart data. (Premium version only)

·         The Search panel allows you to search charts for all records that meet a set of criteria. The Search panel is useful for orphan management, succession planning, and data mining.

·         The Sub-charts panel provides a tree-type view of all sub-charts in the current project.

·         The Summary panel enables you to define summary calculations to be performed on formula fields and display the totals. (Premium version only)

·         The Profile panel enables you to display additional information about a chart box without cluttering the chart. For example, an employee photo or pager number can be viewed without adding those fields to each box.

·         The Comments panel allows you to quickly view and edit all comments associated with a particular chart.

·         The Tree panel provides an alternate way to view, reorganize, add, change, or delete chart records.

·         The Track Changes panel allows you to quickly view and edit all comments associated with a particular chart. (Premium version only)

·         The Staging Area panel can be used as a holding area for boxes for later placement into the chart. It also contains any orphans after import.

In this book:

Working with Reports

Working with Directories

Working with Profiles

Working with Trees

Searching Charts

Viewing Summary Information

Working with Comments