Top of Chart

By default OrgPlus displays the Largest Branch (chart) that can be created from a data source. You can change which branch is used to build a chart. You can also create a chart with multiple top positions.

1        Click the Top of Chart button in the Import Wizard – Hierarchy Verification dialog box to display the Top of Chart dialog box.

Click to enlarge

You can choose which record(s) will be designated as the top position in the chart by either specifying a Position or Reports to value. This is useful in the following cases:

·         Multiple boxes at the top: To designate more than one box at the top of chart make sure that each box must have the same reports to value.

·         Circular Reference at the top:  The top boxes report to each other.

·         Display orphans at the top: All orphan records must have the same reports to value.

Note: You can enter multiple values separated by commas.

2        Click OK