Using the Control Key

The following Control key combinations are available:




Ctrl + A

Edit | Select All

Selects all chart boxes and lines.

Ctrl + B

Edit | Select | Branch

Selects the branch below the currently selected box.

Ctrl + Shift + B

Edit | Select Levels

Selects the top-most box of a sub-chart.

Ctrl + C

Edit | Copy

Copies the currently selected chart elements to the Clipboard.

Ctrl + Shift +  C

Edit |Copy Format

Copies the format.

Ctrl + D

Data | Define Fields

Displays the Define Fields dialog box.

Ctrl + Shift + D

View | Directory

Opens the Directory panel.

Ctrl + E

Edit | Find by Photo

Finds by photo.

Ctrl + Shift + E

View | Tree

Opens the Tree panel.

Ctrl + F

Edit | Find

Locates boxes containing the specified text.

Ctrl + Shift- F

View | Profile

Opens the Profiles panel.

Ctrl + G

Edit | Select | Peers

Selects all the peers for the selected box.

Shift + Ctrl + G

Edit | Find Previous

Returns to the previously displayed instance of specified text.

Ctrl + Shift + G

Edit | Find Previous

Finds previous.

Ctrl + H

Edit | Show Thumbnail

Shows the entire chart in a Thumbnail window.

Ctrl + Shift + H

View | Search

Opens the Search panel.

Ctrl + I

File | Import Data

Opens Import Data.

Ctrl +J

Format | Font

Opens Font Properties.

Ctrl + K

Format | Conditional Format

Opens Conditional Formatting.

Ctrl + L

Format | Line Properties

Opens Line Properties.

Ctrl + M

Edit | Find by Photo

Opens Photo Manager.

Ctrl + Shift + M

View| Comments

Opens the Comments panel.

Ctrl + N

File | New

Creates a new project based on your choice of template.

Ctrl + O

File | Open

Opens an existing project.

Ctrl + P

File | Print

Prints the current chart.

Ctrl + Q

File | Quit

Exits OrgPlus.

Ctrl + Shift + Q

View | Quick Chart

Opens the Quick Chart panel.

Ctrl + R

Edit | Replace

Replaces specified box text with other text.

Ctrl + Shift + R

View | Reports

Opens the Reports panel.

Ctrl + S

File | Save

Saves the current project.

Ctrl + Shift + S

View | Sub Chart

Opens the Sub-Charts panel.

Ctrl + T

Data | Export Data

Exports Data.

Ctrl + Shift + T

View | Templates

Opens the Templates panel.

Ctrl + U

Tool | Scheduler

Opens the Scheduler.

Ctrl + V

Edit | Paste

Pastes elements from the Clipboard.

Ctrl + W

File | Close

Closes the current project.

Ctrl + X

Edit | Cut

Cuts the currently selected chart elements and places them in the Clipboard.

Ctrl + Y

Edit | Redo

Reverses the last undo performed.

Ctrl + Shift + Y

View | Summary

Opens the Summary panel.

Ctrl + Z

Edit | Undo

Reverses the last action.

Ctrl + Delete

There is no menu equivalent

Deletes the box and adds the person to the Directory orphan list.