Publish Command

This topic describes the command to publish a chart.

To publish a chart:

Orgplus8.exe <–p*> <input filename> [output filename] [options] [-pass <password>]


<-p*> can be one of the following:


Publish to OrgPlus Plug-in


Publish to PowerPoint


Publish to Word


Publish to HTML


Publish to PDF

[input filename] = Name of input file

[output filename] = Name of alternative output file


-q or -f

Suppress the publish wizard dialog box.


Suppresses the message “already exists. Do you want to replace it?" and replaces the file automatically.

-c or -NoLaunch

Do not open the output file after publishing.


Close OrgPlus if an error occurs during publish.


Uses previous publishing options if republishing to the same input/output file combination.


Refresh before publishing.

<password> = Password for a protected input file