Adding Formulas

To define a formula field:

1        Click the Define Fields tool  or click the Home tab and select Define Fields from the Fields & Formulas section to display the Define Fields dialog box.

2        Click the Add button and enter a name for the new field.

3        In the Type column, click the down arrow  and select Formula as the field type.

The Formula Properties dialog box opens with the Formula tab selected.  

4        Select a formula from the Function drop-down list. See Available Formulas for formula definitions.

Note: You can also edit an existing formula by clicking the Formula button .

5        If the selected formula requires a field, select a field from Type drop-down list.

6        If an argument is required for the formula, select one from the Argument dropdown list.

7        Based on the type of formula you have selected, specify the boxes to include from the Range drop-down list. The options include:

·         All Mgrs Inclusive: The path of managers from the top of the tree down to that box, including the box.

·         All Managers Exclusive: The path of managers from the top of the tree down to that box, excluding the box.

·         Branch and Mgr: All boxes in a branch, including the branch's manager.

·         Branch Excl. Mgr: All boxes in a branch, excluding the branch's manager.

·         Co-workers: All boxes sharing the same manager, including the manager's assistants.

·         Current Mgr: A box's direct manager (one level up).

·         Dir Sub and Manager: All direct subordinates of a single manager, including the manager.

·         Dir Subordinates: All direct subordinates of a single manager, excluding the manager.

·         Entire Chart: All boxes in the chart.

·         Level: All boxes on the same level in the chart.

·         Self: The current box.

·         Top of Chart: The number of boxes at the top level of the chart.

Note: The following is an example of a formula field.

Click to enlarge

8        Optionally, you can perform a calculation (divide, multiply, add, or subtract) on multiple arguments. See Performing Calculations for more information.

9        If required, you can specify which boxes are to be included or excluded from a calculation by creating a conditional formula. To create a conditional formula, select the Criteria tab. Select the Define Criteria option, then define the criteria for inclusion.

Click to enlarge

To define formula options:

1        Use the Options tab to specify formula options such as a Minimum and Maximum values. See Formula Options for more details.

2        Click OK to save the formula.0