Changing Object Order

The relative order of free-floating objects in your chart can be changed. The process is similar to changing the order of objects in PowerPoint.

To change the relative order of free floating objects:


1        Select the object whose order you want to change relative to other objects. For example, in the following diagram the Square is selected.

Click to enlarge

2        Click the Insert tab and use the options in the Arrange section.

·        Bring Forward: Click the menu expander and select an option:

·         Bring Forward: Moves the selected object one level forward.

·        Bring to Front: Moves the selected object to the front.

·        Send Backward: Click the menu expander and select an option:

·         Send Backward: Moves the selected object one level back.

·         Send to Back: Moves the selected object to the back.

In the following example the square is moved one level forward using the Bring Forward option.

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge