Using the Directory Panel

This topic describes how to work with the Directory panel.

To access the Directory panel:

ยท     Click the View tab and select Directory from the Panels section. The Directory panel is displayed.

Click to enlarge

The Directory panel has the following elements:




Directory Selector

Select a directory from the dropdown list.

Display Options

Select sub-set of the chart data to be used for building your directory. See Creating Directories.

Print Directory

Print the displayed directory.

Print Preview

Preview how the currently displayed directory looks when printed.

Copy Directory

Copy the directory contents to the Clipboard.

Send Directory to Excel

Export the current directory to an Excel spreadsheet.

Manage Directories

Add, modify or delete directories.

Edit Current Directory

Modify the displayed directory.

New Record

Add an unassigned record to the directory.

Delete Record(s)

Delete the selected records.