Staggering Boxes on the Same Level

Sometimes boxes on the same level need to be staggered for business reasons. You can stagger boxes automatically or manually. The free-form tool (described in Free Dragging Boxes in , Working with Charts: Basic Charting) can also be used to reposition boxes within the same level.

To automatically promote or demote a box:

1        Choose the Select tool .

2        Right-click on the box you want to promote or demote.

3        Select Actions | Demote Right or Actions | Demote Left to demote a box one level. 

Note: Any box that has been demoted can be promoted by right-clicking on the box and selecting Actions | Promote.

To manually stagger boxes:

1        Choose the Select tool . The following is an example of a chart whose boxes you want to stagger.

Click to enlarge

2        Select the boxes you want to stagger.

3        Click the Home tab and select Chart Styles, then select a chart style for the selected boxes. Notice that the selected boxes will now be grouped separately from their peers.

Click to enlarge

4        Hold down the Shift key while dragging the boxes. Release the mouse button when the box is in its new position.

Click to enlarge